There's nothing like a refreshing cold one, regardless of what season you're in - Crisp, fresh, sweet and perfect, cold brew coffee. Enjoy this recipe, with your favorite Wicked Voodoo Espresso Ground Coffee.
Extremely fresh and coarsely ground Coffee Grounds
2 Jars/Container
Wooden spoon (optional)
Cheese cloth or toddy sock/filter
1. Setting up your groundsIt's up to you on how much coffee you're making, but a good ratio is 1 pound of grounds to 1 gallon of water. Set up your coffee grounds in the jar and add cold water filtered water.
2. To stir or not to stirSome people prefer stirring while others don't because it oxidizes the grounds. Instead, they allow the grounds to absorb - play around with this and see what your preference is. I prefer to stir, as it makes a beautiful crema on top and lets the coffee start to bloom.
3. Steep while you sleepAfter stirring or not stirring, let the mixture steep for 12-24 hours.
4. Perfectly yours recipeOnce your coffee has been left to steep for at least 12 hours, strain the coffee grounds with a cheesecloth, toddy filter, or paper filter over another jar.
5. Your ready to enjoyIt is really that easy! Your cold brew coffee is now complete. Add milk, cream or sweetener to put your signature on it and drink up. Let us know how you make yours! Happy Brewing.